Sunday, August 9, 2015

ANSWERS: Squeezed in the Middle 2

Before I reveal the people who solved "Squeezed in the Middle 2", I should let you know that I'm typing this on a new computer! Yep, I finally upgraded my old computer for a new one that has Windows 10 on it last weekend, and so far, it's working out pretty well! (How old was the old one? It still had Vista on it!)  Anyways, here's that list of solvers I mentioned earlier:
  • Grant Fikes ****
  • Eric Maddy ****
  • Adam Weaver ****
  • Tyler Hinman ****
  • Mom ****
  • Lynn Sweeney ****
  • Sam Levitin ****
  • My sister Alex ****
  • Eric Milton ****
  • YYW ****
  • Paolo Pasco ****
  • Debbie Underwood ****
Now just click on "Read more" for the answers, along with a few solver comments sent to me via email!

The letters in the brown squares spell out TETRIS ATTACK

"Now, let's go play, together... Together under the clearest of blue skies."

Solver Grant Fikes "Guessed on a hunch, and confirmed by the middles. I haven't even looked at the other clues yet." For the clues he hadn't solved when he sent his email to me (HERE'S and PACE), he had "never even heard of Eve 6" and that it had "been a long time since I've owned a rug" Finally, he said that Tetris Attack was the "Most underrated puzzle game ever, by the way."

Pictured above: me waiting for a response from GAMES Magazine

Solver Tyler Hinman said this: "Ah, nice light one. Have you ever played Oni, the game? I enjoyed it a lot back in the day." [I haven't, but I did consider using it as a clue. Maybe in a future puzzle?]

For the record, it's pronounced "deek"

My sister Alex said "Congrats on getting your puzzles published soon!  That puzzle format that you created looks awesome!" Her fiancé Eric Milton would later solve this puzzle on his own, and he said that "I loved the Futurama picture that you used. Also, congratulations on getting published in that magazine!" [Eric's a big fan of Futurama, and is partially the reason why I used that "Good news, everyone!" pic in the first place]

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