Monday, February 1, 2016

PUZZLE #61: Anagram Chambers 3


For this puzzle, there are several dark-green "chambers" with yellow rectangles and light-green squares in them. For each chamber, you take a word in the first yellow rectangle as hinted at by the clue, add a letter from the light-green square, and scramble them to get a word in the second yellow rectangle, then you repeat the process to get the word in the third yellow rectangle. Once you've filled in everything, the light-green squares will spell out something... or they would if the chambers weren't all scrambled up as well!

Once all of the chambers are in the proper order, the light-green squares will spell out the FINAL ANSWER: the name of an '80s TV show

Oh, hey, the formatting is different now! Now the yellow boxes aren't mostly filled up by the clues!
  1. [Three-piece apparel] + __ = [Feet and furlongs, e.g.] + __ = [Apple's music store]
  2. [Best Actress Oscar winner for Moonstruck] + __ = [Arm's length] + __ = [Use Google or Bing]
  3. [Human from the original My Little Pony cartoon] + __ = ["Sadeness (Part I)" New Age group] + __ = [Dream up]
  4. ["It's hard to stop a _____" (ad slogan)] + __ = [Steven Universe character with three eyes] + __ = [Marvel "Doctor" with an upcoming film]
  5. [Danganronpa 2's Mikan Tsumiki, for one] + __ = [Sting's real last name] + __ = [Herman or Lily from a classic sitcom]
  6. [It's preceded by "Laissez" or "Savoir"] + __ = [Villain from Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'] + __ = [Late boxing great "Smokin' Joe"]
  7. [A terrible thing to waste] + __ = [Imp-like assistant from Zelda: Twilight Princess] + __ = [Any .com, .net, or .org]
Apologies in advance for some of the harder clues up there. Remember that you're always free to follow the advice in the last clue of Chamber #2. Anyways, once you think you know what the FINAL ANSWER is, send it to either or (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or get a hint from me in exchange for a "hint star", more details for that are on the sidebar to the right) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a version you can print out!

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