Sunday, December 31, 2017

ANSWERS: Lucky Sevens 5 - L7

Just a tiny heads-up before I reveal the answers to "Lucky Sevens 5: L7": today is New Year's Eve, and since everyone will be busy watching the ball drop tonight, I've decided that tomorrow's puzzle will be delayed by an hour, meaning that it will be posted at 1:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (as opposed to my usual schedule of midnight EST). This shouldn't be a problem if you already follow this blog via email or RSS feed or get my puzzles through Patreon, but I just wanted to let everyone know regardless. Anyway, here are the ten people who have solved my puzzle from thirteen days ago:
  • Grant Fikes ****
  • Chris Hendricks ****
  • Pavel Curtis ****
  • Eric Maddy ****
  • Brittany Trofimovich ****
  • Sam Levitin ****
  • Mom ****
  • Lynn Sweeney ****
  • Debbie Benford ****
  • Alex Milton ****
Now head below the break for the answers as well as a couple solver comments!

The letters in the colored squares read out SWATTER

"WAAAA! Everybody's cheating but me!"

Patron Chris Hendricks not only requested this puzzle type, he also wanted a (completely optional) reference to WALUIGI "since the logo on his hat looks just like one of your 7's. :) ". I ultimately obliged, and he noticed, saying "And hey, you managed to get Waluigi in there! Thanks!"

Solver Brittany Trofimovich said "I had a lot of fun doing this puzzle! The only clue I wasn’t able to get on my own... and my husband couldn’t remember either, was Ultron. After looking it up I had a “DUH” moment. 😂😂"

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