Monday, September 30, 2019

PUZZLE #250: Meta-Crossword 6: Hidden Figures (CONTEST PUZZLE!)


It's my 250th puzzle! And to celebrate, I'm going to do something that I haven't in a very long time: I'm gonna make this a Contest Puzzle! This time, the prize for winning this contest is any crossword book of the solver's choosing! (If you can't decide on one, I personally suggest one of Matt Gaffney's three books of meta-crosswords published by Mental Floss) There will only be one winner for this contest, though if at least ten people solve this puzzle, I'll give out a second prize to another winner! If you don't want to enter this contest, you can still solve this puzzle and opt out of the contest.

And not only that, the puzzle that you'll solve is also something I haven't done in a long while: a Meta-Crossword! In case you forgot, Meta-Crosswords are like normal crosswords, except they have a Bonus Puzzle for you to solve once you fill out the grid. I won't tell you how to get the Bonus Puzzle's FINAL ANSWER, as the techniques in getting them vary with each meta-crossword, so you pretty much have to figure it out yourself.

The FINAL ANSWER to the Bonus Puzzle is a unit of measurement.

Once you believe you've figured out the FINAL ANSWER, send it to either or (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or get a hint from me in exchange for a "hint star", more details for that are on the sidebar to the right) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for two versions you can print out: a .PNG and a link to a .PDF!

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