Monday, December 23, 2024

PUZZLE #523: Puzzle in the Round 8


This puzzle type was suggested by Patron Grant Fikes. Normally, you can suggest a puzzle type of your own choice over on my Patreon page, but both slots are still full, so you might have to resort to PayPal if you still want to make a request of your own.

To solve this tough puzzle, fill in as many of the 5-letter answers next to their clues as you can. Next, look for shared letters, and then enter each letter into its correct place in the diagram (though you'll most likely need to scramble the order of the letters to make them fit). The letter in the grid's center will be shared by all of the answer words. As a little hint, look for unshared letters to help you determine the letters that will go in the outer ring to form the FINAL ANSWER, reading from 1 to 24.

The FINAL ANSWER is the name of a comic book series from the mid-20th century

1) "_____ Burr, Sir" (song from Hamilton)
     _ _ _ _ _
2) Heaviest (and most radioactive) noble gas
     _ _ _ _ _
3) Mist or steam, say
     _ _ _ _ _
4) Pagliacci or The Pirates of Penzance, e.g.
     _ _ _ _ _
5) Condor's claw
     _ _ _ _ _
6) _____ Recall (1990 film where Arnold Schwarzenegger gets his butt to Mars)
     _ _ _ _ _
7) For everyone to hear
     _ _ _ _ _
8) Dahl who wrote The Witches (1983)
     _ _ _ _ _
9) Anyone strutting her stuff at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
     _ _ _ _ _
10) Forms for making die-cast toys
     _ _ _ _ _
11) Hatred, like the kind that Garfield feels about the dog he lives with?
     _ _ _ _ _
12) Baseball pitcher's place
     _ _ _ _ _
13) X-Men member who can control the weather
     _ _ _ _ _
14) Kitchen, library, and seven others in Clue
     _ _ _ _ _
15) _____-Goldwyn-Mayer (movie studio that turned 100 in 2024)
     _ _ _ _ _
16) The Simpsons dad who once asked a phone operator for "the number for 911"
     _ _ _ _ _
17) Centers of apples and pineapples
     _ _ _ _ _
18) Use steel wool on
     _ _ _ _ _
19) Future oak tree, assuming it's buried properly
     _ _ _ _ _
20) Die like a frog?
     _ _ _ _ _
21) Remote-controlled aircraft with its own racing league
     _ _ _ _ _
22) _____ Drive (short-lived game show named after a street in Beverly Hills)
     _ _ _ _ _
23) Not nearly as good
     _ _ _ _ _
24) Mister, in Mexico
     _ _ _ _ _

Once you think you know what the FINAL ANSWER is, send it to either or (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or even ask for a hint, though you'll be marked as having used one if you do so) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a link to a .PDF version which you can print out!

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