Roughly two weeks have gone by since my second-ever "Code Crossword" puzzle (not counting the ones exclusive to my Patreon page) was posted on this blog, and seventeen people have solved it since then:
- Cathy Bowen
- Grant Fikes
- Cindy Heisler
- Marie desJardins
- Dave C
- Pavel Curtis
- Kevin Orfield
- Mike Armstrong
- Michael Lebowitz
- Sam Levitin
- Chris Kochmanski
- Tamara Brenner
- Mom
- SquishmallowsUnited
- Lynn Sweeney
- Derek Allen
- Craig Leech
Now head below the break for the answers as well as a solver's comment!
The hidden clue (highlighted above) reads SNEAKER BRAND USING LETTERS FROM DESK, which means that you should unscramble the letters in "DESK" to get KEDS
And now, a poem sent to me by Patron Grant Fikes:
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.
A lottery win rained much cash on their heads;
They're moving on up to a house made by Keds.
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