Sunday, June 2, 2024

ANSWERS: Squeezed in the Middle 21

It's been nearly two weeks since "Squeezed in the Middle 21" was posted on this blog, and a whopping nineteen people have solved it since then:

  • Grant Fikes
  • Cindy Heisler
  • M. Sean Molley
  • Joe Bernard
  • Kevin Orfield
  • Josie Giles
  • Mike Armstrong
  • Sam Levitin
  • Tower
  • Chris Kochmanski
  • Michael Lebowitz
  • Tamara Brenner
  • KeoFam
  • Pavel Curtis
  • Patrick Jordan
  • Mom
  • Steve Gunter
  • Wendy Walker
  • Lynn Sweeney
Now head below the break for the answers!

The letters in the brown squares spell out ANTIQUES ROADSHOW

The clue for ATARI contains the seed phrase ALONE IN THE DARK, suggested by Patron M. Sean Molley

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