There are two clues for each numbered row. The answers to each row's first
clue go in the squares to the left of the first black bar in each
correspondingly numbered row in the puzzle's grid, and the answers to the second
clue go into the squares to the right of the second black bar. Then a single
letter (the "Link-Letter") goes in the square in the middle to complete a single
word that reads all the way across. For example, if the two words are CON and
ACT, you can put a "T" between them to get CONTACT.
Once you've filled out all nine rows, the central letters will spell out two words reading down. Add a letter between those two words in the red square to get this week's FINAL ANSWER: the name of an animated film
1) Breathe heavily like a basset hound
Indefinitely long time period
2) Bon _____ (witty remark)
Shape on the Swedish and Swiss flags
3) Ailment common in winter
Any amusement park attraction built in RollerCoaster Tycoon
4) Cheshire Cat's smile
Pit of a plum or peach
5) One of too many limbs on a millipede
Grayish blue hue (or an online magazine launched in 1996)
6) Pleasant scent
Preceder of "Tac" or "Tac Toe"
7) Member of a Minnesota baseball team
_____ Misérables
8) Black cat from various Tom and Jerry cartoons (or the Sundance Kid's partner)
Video doorbell company named after a doorbell sound
9) The Da Vinci Code author Brown
Dennis the Menace's dog
Once you think you know what the FINAL ANSWER is, send it to either redhead64@chartermi.net or itsredhead64@gmail.com (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or even ask for a hint, though you'll be marked as having used one if you do so) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a link to a .PDF version which you can print out!
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