- Sam Levitin ****
- Eric Maddy ****
- Adam Weaver ****
- Yossi Fendel ****
- Lynn Sweeney ***
- YYW ****
- Punjit Sharma ****
- Brad Eldredge ****
Now just click on "Read more" for the answers! One of my solvers also sent me a logic puzzle based on this puzzle, and you can try to figure that one out below the break as well!

Solver Yossi Fendel was kind enough to give me "a logic puzzle based on Coined Phrases 2:
Sally: Hey, I just solved 'Coined Phrases 2'!
Gertrude: Good for you! What was the meta answer you got?
Sally: Meta answer? Huh, I didn't notice that. I thought the puzzle was just to figure out the letters on each side of all five coins.
Gertrude: Oh, that's still impressive! You knew all 6 clues then?
Sally: No, I only knew 4 of them.
Gertrude: Well that must have made it harder. I guess one of the ones you knew was WALES, since that's the only one with a W.
Sally: Yep, I got WALES. But I couldn't figure out THIS one [points at puzzle].
Gertrude: Ah. In that case, I can logically deduce that you must not have been able to get THAT one either [points at puzzle].
Sally: Wow, you're right!
Which clues were THIS one and THAT one?"
Highlight the white space between the brackets for the ANSWERS: ["We know WALES is one of the answers Sally got. We also know that Sally missed two of these five. Which two could they have been?
- Not CAIRO and CODES - since then she would not have found a C.
- Not CAIRO and OILED - since then she would not have found an I.
- Not CAIRO and SOLAR - since then the other three answers have BOTH O and D, and thus she could not have known which pairs with W and which with A.
- Not CODES and OILED - since then the other three answers have BOTH O and R, and thus she could not have known which pairs with W and which with E.
The other pairs are all possible as ones Sally might have missed and still been able to pair up the letters (we'll leave this as an exercise). Normally pointing to THIS one would give four possibilities for the other one she couldn't solve. The fact that Gertrude could deduce it means that THIS one is found among three of the "impossible" pairs. The only word found among three of these is CAIRO. Therefore THIS one is the one which solves to CAIRO, and THAT one is the only other clue it could be, namely the one which solves to LORDS.
THIS = "Egyptian Capital", THAT = "House of ____ (part of the UK Parliament)"]
The Konami Code |
Solver Eric Maddy jokingly (I assume) put "CODIE RAWLS" in the subject line saying that "Well, it IS a proper name. But I suspect you're actually looking for Oscar Wilde...."
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