It's the final week of Musical March, and when I first conceived of this theme month, I knew I just
had to make a puzzle of this type! Back when I got my first puzzle accepted by Games Magazine, one of my solvers from back then, Christian H.P., told me about how he got an original puzzle called "Ring Tunes" published by them as well (it was in the June 2015 issue, for those curious). After I finished making this puzzle, I dug up his email address and sent him a message, and to my surprise, he replied back, saying he was "flattered" that I made a puzzle that he created. So if you're reading this, Christian, I hope you'll enjoy it! For everyone else, I have to warn you that this puzzle's pretty elaborate, so bear with me here...
First, answer as many of the numbered clues as you can and enter them into the first grid. Each clue ends with an arrow indicating the direction its answer should be entered: from top to bottom [↓], from bottom to top [↑], or even either way [↕]. For example, if the answers were JIB [↓], IRE [↓], SAD [↑], EVE [↕], AT [↑], and O [↕], you would enter them like this:
Next, try to decode the message (in the form of song lyrics) by replacing every circled letter with another letter that shares the same number on a telephone keypad, which we've provided on top of these directions (for example, B can be replaced by A or C). The decoded message should be entered into the second grid, as shown here (note that the bold vertical lines indicate divisions between words):
(From "Row, Row, Row Your Boat") |
The FINAL ANSWER is the name of the song containing the decoded lyrics.
Place the answers to the following clues here |
1) Bass guitar booster [↑]
2) Current CBS sitcom starring Anna Faris and Allison Janney [↕]
3) Lode load [↓]
4) Last name of General Thunderbolt from
The Incredible Hulk [↓]
5) Summon with a beeper [↑]
6) Neural transmitter [↑]
7) Defrost, like frozen food [↓]
8) Second-largest members of the deer family [↑]
9) Weapon for Devo or Indiana Jones [↓]
10) Nick @ _____ (evening programming block) [↓]
11) DVR introduced in 1999 [↓]
12) + [↑]
13) Spirit from
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword whose name reverses to a conjunction [↓]
Place the decoded lyrics here |
Once you think you know what the FINAL ANSWER is, send it to either
redhead64@chartermi.net or
itsredhead64@gmail.com (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or get a hint from me in exchange for a "hint star", more details for that are on the sidebar to the right) or send me the answer to
last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a version you can print out!
I've even included a second version to print out by converting it into a .PDF file and embedding it below the usual .PNG file along with two Google Docs links!