Monday, May 14, 2018

PUZZLE #178: Word Squares: Overlap Again


Word squares have words in them that can be read both across and down. Below are four 4x4 grids with different colored borders, each of them overlapping with each other at the corners. Each clue is sorted by the grid that they're placed in, though otherwise, the clues aren't in any particular order.

Once you've finished this puzzle, the overlapped tiles (highlighted below in gold) will unscramble to spell out this week's FINAL ANSWER: A four-letter word

* Drop-down list
* Honeycomb abode
* Stratford-upon-_____, England
* "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" duo

* Baseballer Felipe or his son Moisés
* "La _____ Bonita" (Madonna single)
* Pinkie Pie's monotone-speaking sister from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
* Thailand, once

* -, on sheet music
* Chimpanzee sent into space in 1961 (ALTERNATE CLUE FOR CHRISTIANS: Seth's son)
* Ridesharing company with a German name
* Tom Hardy's masked role in The Dark Knight Rises

* Dayton's state
* Grunt from a hog
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year _____
* Streaming player brand named after the Japanese word for "six"

Once you believe you've figured out the FINAL ANSWER, send it to either or (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or get a hint from me in exchange for a "hint star", more details for that are on the sidebar to the right) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a version you can print out!

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