Sunday, April 19, 2015


My first contest has come to a close! Unfortunately, there wasn't as many solvers for this puzzle as I would've liked (especially since no one solved it in the second week); apparently, not a whole lot of you are gamers. Oh well, I'll try to think of better prizes the next time I hold a contest! Anyways, below are the list of people who have solved this puzzle, along with the prize that they requested if they won:
  • Grant Fikes ** (Tetris Stackable LED Desk Lamp)
  • Adam Weaver ** (A Final Fantasy Game for iOS)
  • Eric Maddy ** (Decided to opt out of this contest)
  • Sam Levitin ** (Jenga Tetris)
  • Tyler Hinman ** (The answer to Clue #10)
  • Christian H.P. ** (The answer to Clue #10)
Tyler Hinman already won the first prize, and now one of the people above (excluding him and Eric) is going to win the second one! The winner is: Christian H.P! Congratulations! Now I have to give out two copies of the exact same game! What are the odds? Anyways, If you want to read the answers to this puzzle (and to see what the winners won, along with some solver comments), just go below the break to do so!

The letters in the three colored I-Blocks spell out TWISTED METAL

Is it weird that this was the first Twisted Metal game I've ever owned? Well, at least it succeeded in attracting a new tween customer who was more than willing to interpret the "T" rating as an "E10+" before such a thing existed...

Solver Adam Weaver said that he'd "love to see a future version of this type of puzzle where the letters didn't necessarily give away the orientation of each piece." Odd, I think I might have a puzzle with non-revealing orientations for tomorrow...

"POINTING!" - Actual quote from Ibuki Mioda

Solver Eric Maddy said that "I'm not much of a video gamer, so for me this was entirely a matter of researching gamer trivia on Google. AANNDD once I had done that, pretty quickly realized I didn't really need to do the Tetris portion of the puzzle to extract the final answer, as long as I had the correct dozen 10-letter entries (And I didn't -- I had JASON RUBIN instead of NAUGHTY DOG, but it was close enough that I didn't really need to do the puzzly part of the puzzle.)"

A big name like Christopher Lloyd in a '90s adventure game? That is shocking! 

Solver Tyler Hinman said that "[t]he W and TEDM were enough for me to get this, and I finished the puzzle from there. Loved that game."

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