Monday, April 13, 2020

PUZZLE #278: Smush 3


In this puzzle, you take the answers to two clues and combine them to make one smushed-up phrase. For example, if the clue is "Swirly candy on a stick + Frozen treat on a stick", then the answer would be "Lollipopsicle", since that's the smushed-up form of "Lollipop" and "Popsicle". Below are some more smushed-up phrases for you to solve, and in order to do so, write the answers to the clues on the correspondingly numbered rows of dashes, one letter per dash, so that the overlapping part of each answer lies in the colored box.

Once all of the phrases have been solved, copy the boxed letters into the boxes at the bottom (keeping the letters in each box together, but rearranging the boxes themselves) to spell your FINAL ANSWER: a smushed-up form of two TV shows that aired on the same network

1) Eminem song named after Clark Kent's alter ego + Nicki Minaj song named after a large snake
2) Chihuahua City's country + San José's country
3) Italian pie that can be tough and bready + American President nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready"
4) County fair prize seen in the title cards of some Looney Tunes shorts + Disney show about a cartoon bobcat who becomes a cop
5) Swinger in a grandfather clock + Swinger of an axe in a forest

Once you believe you've figured out the FINAL ANSWER, send it to either or (though I'm more likely to check the second one) and I'll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or get a hint from me in exchange for a "hint star", more details for that are on the sidebar to the right) or send me the answer to last week's puzzle, if you haven't already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for two versions you can print out: a .PNG and a link to a .PDF!

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